Italian goddess

Hey Western roe doe

Love me, my heart is filled with nutmeg,

My lips ooze caramel like an icecream on cone on a summer noon
and my words milky

I’ll  kiss your tender skin with the pleasure of a new born on its mothers nipple

And trickle your deepest joy in every nerve of your brain

Blow away your mind like chaff to Arabian monsoons

Brighten your day than these diamonds under the stars

Joyful as parrots and horn bills of the woods each summer morning

To be your fire in winter, the  only candy and apple of your eye

Soaking your primrose smelling  sheets in the lonely lifeless nights is my desire

To play with your adrenaline like a bungee into a deep manifested river, the first ever 

A classical symphony to your forever ageless soul my heartbeat shall forever  skip,

Myself crumbles like a wall hit by a nuclear indeed you are a terrorist

Goddess of ecstasy, venom of thy heart

Sanity escapes me, the syrup of my royal golden sleep

Our hearts have been bone broken, our trust like paper crumbled, shredded

But we can learn to live again even when we die for as life knows no death

Jubilation in reincarnation

A comatose I find crispy life in

For to live is to love

Let my heart touch yours as also my lips do as we drown in this black dead sea

I will scream because of love

immortal souls, love is my language let me open my mouth and express my words to you Venus


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