We’re in deep shit.. Who’s in control? Are we in uncharted waters? What’s next Alkebulan? Tragedy of Africa by Fitemba would sum up this in about six minutes. Seven decades after the white man left our soil it seems we are clueless about our priorities as people’s of the great continent. The psychological conditioning inflicted on our peoples might take another tens of decades to fully melt into thin airs but will it really melt into thin airs while it’s still large in print? It certainly is time for change and the pulse is getting stronger by every sunset. It’s not the time for civil wars, neither tribal or racial divisions nor religious stigmatization. It’s time for a cause, a  noble one for self and nation.
The world is in a turmoil thanks to: “climate change”, Kim, Zelensky, Biden, Macron, Hezbollah, Hamas, Kiir, Netanyahu,  M-23, NATO, IMF, WEF, ISIS, AL SHABAAB etc. It’s a super mega meltdown of strife every where from Africa to Asia, Europe and even further down south America. Pandemic after pandemic and wars after wars. People are feeling the heat in Delhi while in Florida sea levels continue to rise and the heat wave is causing deaths and forest fires due to climate change. In Palestine close to 40000 people have been killed by the Israeli genocide and 90000 others seriously wounded as scores flee their homes. In Nairobi a tax war has caused death to hundreds of individuals leaving other hundreds injured. In Bangladesh a revolution has happened after fifteen years of nepotism and oppressive rule that culminated to four hundred deaths before the prime minister sheikh Hassina fled to India. Terrorist attacks, civil and religious wars in  Sudan,  Northern Nigeria and Congo are claiming lives but no one wants to talk about it. What’s the use of this international peace bodies? Writing statements consoling the bereaved and condoning the perpetrators?  No ounce of help? Food aid and “peace talks” maybe? Nothing? Society is on the loose and Marxists might be smiling as capitalism  eats its own children.

Propaganda sells and it’s backed by the dollar. For decades now money has built governments and backed failing ones from the Napoleonic wars to every nation on earth currently. Were it not for the Rothschild’s funds, Napoleon being ruthless, strong and considering he was full of tact and the heart of a lion the Frenchman would have likely outsmarted his foes and imposed his rule over Europe. War is wedged-on propaganda and defense budgets worldwide cost billions of dollars. War is therefore big bucks and because propaganda is hot stuff newspapers sell like hot coffee on a winter morning. The daily, The Weekly, The Early Morning, the Evening Publication, The Monthly and even the Quarterly Journal. Media houses are owned by tycoons and now you wonder? Wars are started with one or two paragraphs, sanctions, genocides, standoffs and tensions everywhere. People vs people, people vs companies, companies vs governments, governments vs governments. It’s a big turmoil.


Economies are on the brink (of collapse) and majority of society need support to sustain themselves. Many countries can no-longer fund their budgets internally & independently and have to supplement their budgets with heavy foreign debt and aid. Over the years many of these nations’ debt portfolio has spiraled out of control leading to some countries to default. America's debt has also rose sharply to about 34 trillion dollars over the years and its citizens complain of high gas prices, essential commodities such as grocery and even tuition fees for college. The citizens also keep protesting against their taxes being used to support their allies in the wars that she has no business being involved in especially in the Eastern world. In third world countries due to the high dependency ratio life quality has been affected downwards massively & more people are dying despite life expectancy rates going up due to natural and other man made disasters & this is contrary to the life quality and the levels of technology we currently have under our control.
The population is slowly dwindling with time especially in the developed world as more people are diagnosed with cancer, diabetes and diseases that have developed as a result of our modern day lifestyles from the chemicals in our fields to our plates and as a result of having smaller households. The economic meltdown has led to the shrinking of families as more and more people are stressed and struggling to dress, educate their children, feed themselves, find decent shelter, or even get proper healthcare. Insecurity and civil wars have also continued to tear down societies claiming thousands of lives each single day. Majority of families also have no savings or even disposable incomes which in turn leaves them with dangling hopes of getting aid from the government or NGO’s. This hence affects their spending power as many are forced to strictly guard their pockets due to the purchasing power parity especially in war torn and third world countries where unemployment is ravaging on the youth and since the elderly have little to no savings. We have witnessed children in mines in Congo, on plantations in South America and across Asia working in mega factories for a quid or two. Children continue to be exploited as child soldiers instead of being provided with resources to educate and enlighten themselves for the future. About 760 million children are exploited by child labor which translates to one in every 10 children globally. It’s disheartening that raw materials from the third world countries namely; Cocoa, coffee, Tea , minerals and even human labor continue to fetch very little prices in the global markets compared to the imports from the so called first world countries. These children under exploitation are literally tomorrow’s scientists, innovators and even engineers wasting away their future. If indeed our society needs to advance incomes should be spread equally and fairly across the board and young people need to have access to free education, health & employment opportunities (upon attainment of the legal working age). They also need low interest loans, grants and capital which will in turn spur entrepreneurship and growth of the GDP. The young generation have enough time, skills and passion and creativity to fuel the next revolutions that will propel humanity to a new lifestyle and a better civilization. It’s indeed sad to see the exploitation of big brands who are the beneficiaries of child labor notably the big tech companies, food processors and fashion power houses amass millions of dollars while people suffer in the third world countries. Governments should therefore focus on job creation and service provision by emulating nations like Japan, china, Korea and even Saudi Arabia that have been able to turn around their economies through industrialization as it’s a guarantee to spur economic growth, trade and liberation from Neo colonialism. The Breton woods institutions are the new tools for the scramble and partition of the world that mask in aid, grants and loans while imposing impoverishing policies on countries across the globe. The poverty witnessed on the continent is by design from the policies crafted by these institutions and their first world masters who are architects of anarchy and economic sabotage through sanctions, economic tariffs and devaluation of other currencies.
Religion has also held hostage the masses as the pope drinks and dines on silver and gold in the Vatican while the faithfuls die of hunger & instead of economically building the poor it’s selling them false hope. It is an indisputable fact that the ships that carried our colonial administrators also had missionaries aboard and as we closed our eyes to pray, they took our land and resources and we are still blinded to see that they still do. Religion cannot build an economy as its institutions are now a hideout for immoral imbeciles who wish to be sanitized every time after a loot as aluta and a looter continua. Despite collection of funds regularly, most of these religious institutions have zero projects to help financially uplift their members or any other social responsibility to foster the growth of their followers and where such exist is usually a taxi way to squeeze more from the pockets of the believers or a conduit to wash money. What the masses don’t understand is that religion is the opiate of the poor and we don’t need any mediation regarding individual spiritual matters to our deities. Religious extremism in many parts of the world has also led to religious terrorism and loss of lives.  At this point we ought to realize that it’s causing more harm than good with its fallacies. When African borders fully open to allow for sociocultural integration and economic exchange activities between African states freely then it would be a great step for African development without foreign control. Africans should therefore use their natural resources such as minerals and raw materials to back their Economies. Stolen artifacts earning revenue in European museums should be brought back and the continent should be compensated for the atrocities committed on the land from slavery to the natural resources looted.


 New ways of making money have emerged as technology has replaced the conventional job market as well as the emergence of intellectual property as a wealth model. Are we therefore going to witness the death of the federal reserve as new forms of decentralized virtual currency takes center space of transactions? Well, the federal reserve might just have to evolve from the printable money just as the traditional banking system evolved over time. The theft of IP across countries has culminated to economic tiffs between nations as we’ve seen between China and the U.S.A and led to sanctions in different markets. The opening up of more global markets should have ensured economic growth and industrial development in developing worlds but due to unbalanced trade and the instability of the exchange rates the change hasn’t been that gradual. First world countries continue to dictate the prices of raw materials and finished products since they still dominate the global markets and these old powers keep extending to the smaller & remote parts as new markets for their products. The fight for foreign markets and the blue economy infringement has translated to cold wars between states causing a rift in diplomatic relations. As the world is currently anchored on technological development, the exploitation of the raw materials needed for electric vehicles, smart devices and robots has led to environmental degradation and civil wars which in some parts is intentionally funded so that these resources can be exploited by those with capitalistic greed. Some of the nations with large mineral and oil deposits have been involved in endless civil wars yet the illiterate guerrilla fighters handle some sophisticated weaponry that can indeed be traced from the moral police of the world who even send their mercenaries to escalate instability in these peaceful nations. Many of these groups that cause upheaval in society are mostly externally financed and backed by governments outside the continent & countries that reject white supremacy are the first targets of destruction by these foreign powers. It’s therefore inevitable for countries to leverage on technology independently and encourage innovation and invention so as to be able to compete with developed nations without relying on the systems of the same oppressors who don’t believe in pacifism. Society’s’ growth and development is currently hinged on technology in all aspects from agriculture, security, transport, health and even wealth hence every nation should be in the race to invent and capitalize on new technologies to better their societies. Technological co-operation is also important for the exchange of ideas however it’s only beneficial when all countries equally benefit from it. It’s only through creation, invention and innovation that we can fully harness our human power and hence create a better future. Artificial intelligence has proved to be a necessity in our lives from autonomous machines to weather forecasts and even health issues through introduction of microchips that can be planted under our skin to enhance different health functions and human efficiency. Technology has been controlled by humans and in turn it hasn’t been a bed of roses all through as one may expect. Through ethical consideration AI can be built to serve us better and it has always been the aspect of humanity and justice that we should forge our society on as well as our technology.


The problem of governance has always been numbers, the larger the masses the harder it is for them to be controlled or manipulated. Despite a large tax base it doesn’t translate to smooth numbers for revenue authorities and the more the representation in government doesn’t also equate to proper service delivery. The political elite due to their political chicanery therefore live in constant fear of the loss of power. For many governments surveillance has been the most effective way for crowd control. It’s important to spy on the enemy and even the citizens to ensure that a revolution also doesn’t sprout from within. Governments continue to use spies and mercenaries and have even gone as far as tapping calls messages by hijacking telcos. With the availability of government forces and ammunition, media companies can be shut down and licenses stripped in a minute. Technology has also been on the forefront as powerful software can be used to breach personal data and security hence such companies have benefited from rogue governments who have an agenda to push or protect a certain image to the public they serve. Autonomous drones have been used to collect aerial data across borders and even launch air strikes. Marine surveillance has also ensured illegal immigrants, drugs or illegal fishing are kept off the coast. These intelligence services prove to be costly and very few wealthy nations can have them fully functional by the minute even though the burden finally ripples to the tax payer who apart from the enemy is being surveyed on too. Spy software such as Pegasus are only available to governments and cost millions of dollars however they successfully have been used to collect data untraceable from peoples devices and track on their movements. This has had a reverse effect on government critics since it has made the elimination of government targets as easy as possible as forth case of the Saudi government critic Jamal Khashoggi. People who have also exposed government rot like Julian Assange have also been forced to live on the run and through international cooperation they have finally been extradited.


The passing down of skills and knowledge is critical in building economies and nations. Every society or civilization relies upon certain methods, skills or intellect to propel it to progress and therefore over generations this essential knowledge, skills, methods and information need to be relayed properly. Information is the building blocks of civilization hence the existence of formal and informal institutions tends to diffuse this information at a much faster rate yet providing homogeneity and uniform standards.  
Education is a tool that should be used to uplift the masses economically yet in this day and age it’s expensive to the common citizen. It’s arguably a wonder why we actually charge people to enlighten themselves yet at the end individual contribution adds to the greater pool of civilization and advancement that can in turn benefit society at large. Most third world countries still stagnate because of low literacy levels and this is evident from the number of formal educational institutions in their political jurisdictions. Dictatorial regimes tend to invest more in armies and police forces than they do in education as an educated and enlightened society is a threat to their power. It is for the same reason that the colonial powers denied the natives education or administered it in a separatist way. The natives were treated to poor quality education and mainly technical subjects. It’s appalling that in the third world countries education is yet to make a significant step in the decolonization of the commoner. The curriculum taught in this institutions is still pro western and justifies the misdoings of the past to a large extent and is still to be tailored to mentally emancipate the slave and release him from the economic bondage it has enslaved him. Even though steps are being made in this sector, education is growing at a slow pace than it should.  Higher Education institutions should have grown in tens or even hundreds compared to what the colonialists left if countries were dead serious about independence, self determination and reclaiming our spot in global power shift as a continent in general.
The value of education has however dipped in most societies over the few last centuries and majority of people view school as a wastage of time and resources which to some extent is true when graduates remain jobless and stuck with student debt. In the uprising of Europe and the Eastern world to global powers education proved to be a critical nerve in the engineering of society. Universities conducted research and led to the sprout of new knowledge, methods and systems that enabled society to partake on new experiments and even test new theories. In the end, after countless trials and experimentation a way that worked could be discovered and society was born anew. We shouldn’t go to school mainly to get employed rather develop our thought faculties to help us in advancing and coping with new realities or challenges as they arise. The history taught is hell bent on pushing a certain narrative and the methodology used to administer this information in the formal setting outdated. Education is supposed to be dynamic with more and more independent research advocated for rather than knowledge and research being abducted by few organizations or entities. Making quality education free creates a pathway for innovation and invention to bloom. Nevertheless, the African peoples have proven to be of great intellect since they were introduced to the white man’s education and continue to excel and show prowess in various fields. The adversity is that our formal education systems only ensure that the masses stay in the poverty cycle. It is evident that despite producing thousands of graduates yearly, they are not only half baked but a greater percentage end up unemployed and stuck with student debt. The system should therefore be overhauled to equip individuals with dynamic skills that can help them survive turbulent economic times rather than leave them to bear the rugged edges of unemployment or life generally in a rapidly changing world. As long as we continue having incompetent individuals holding influential or strategic positions in power then we have to admit failure because of lack of accountability, dynamism and a critical & logical approach to matters affecting society. We are in a race with time for the future we want is now and education should be made free and a right for everyone along with healthcare. The revenues collected if well utilized can achieve this and hence bolster the general society a step forward. Education, development and research budgets should hence be prioritized and allocated more funds. Defense budgets are top government secret and aren’t audited or open to the public for scrutiny or criticism however the kind of technology and investment in these fields is clear as day and night. The lack of dignified jobs for our graduates has also led to brain drain as they fly to the stable economies to chase the dollar. This is a clear sign that third world countries will continue bearing the crude blows of Neo colonialism hence it will probably take hundreds of years before their societies stabilize and stop the immigration of their top brains. As more western countries rise against illegal immigration they should be aware that their bad policies have a direct correlation with the vices they condemn and unless this is reversed then they should understand they are only adding salt to a wound. It is the dream of every futurist where we don’t have to worry little things like healthcare, education, security or service delivery but bigger dreams for humanity like space invasion and attainment of the ultimate truth to which the future man should anchor his life. Modern man’s life is chaos, it’s a mess and on his quest to redeem himself is the enemy who hides in institutions like the government and big Pharma. It is funny that the government controls what we believe in and has a drawn set of morals or principles to guide us when those who lead have broken these codes before time and again. I guess the moral compass for humanity has continued to sink over the centuries. The liberation of Africa from western politics, economic and sociocultural sabotage should therefore start by the quest for the true African philosophy.

There will always be that traditional fight between good and evil since the existence of mankind and as we advance society’s strings should not be pulled by few humans whose insatiable desire for materialism controls their world. Humans with sinister motives should never at all step anywhere near power as these are the same individuals who corrupt our institutions and aggravate the deadly sins against society. Currently our institutions are weak and compromised by these individuals all over the world and that’s why instead of prosecution they freely roam around causing more destruction to human society by hijacking the economy, security, transport, banking, agriculture, education, health and even mining. Take for instance seed companies are contributing to famine and causing more harm than good with the GMO seeds and the chemicals in the fields. Vaccines and science are at the stake of billionaires and they have infiltrated every policy of the land for personal greed and favor. The society is therefore divided on many terms from spiritually, race, and class and someone is banking on it just like the war business. Negative vices have taken the center stage of our lives and main stream media pocketed by the bourgeoisie who continue to tap from the poor so as to sustain their opulence and every bill passed in parliament/senate when well scrutinized seems to be serving interests of few faceless entities who intern bribe and offer kickbacks to government officials. This greed has cost human progress a great deal for it means a lot of resources have been plundered and hence reducing capital meant for societal development. These individuals control a large percentage of resources at the expense of the masses who languish in debt & poverty and it has always been by design. The colonizers lack of ethos has continually led to the impoverishment of his subjects through economic treachery that has in turn led to mass suffrage and the impeding effect has been felt widely and led to major economic and civil revolts that he still seems to benefit from.
 Man is in a circus and he doesn’t realize the king is a clown. However, as long as the common man has bread, wine and treated to a circus, he will continually clap and laugh immorally as the clown sways naked from side to side taking away with him his subject’s consciousness and conscience. Before he sobers up from yesterday’s stupor the caged bird is already dead and cannot sing a song. The only true liberation we can undertake is that of our minds where we can be independent of manipulation and control by external malware from the different forms of external conditioning that hides in our most sovereign institutions and governance structures.
It is the lack of morals and constant desire for materialism to accord one “gratified dignity” in their endeavors that has brought negative impact on society as can be observed from recent times. Different forms of government and administration will come and go but they are all a reflection of the values that we uphold as a society and unless we start by internal retrospection and massive civic education then the change we desire might not happen.  The modern 21st century Afrikan is in trouble but has two main objectives on his punch sheet: discover who they truly are, and, reclaim their philosophy & sovereignty.
Politics will never solve our problems because in-fact it has turned out to be the problem for many geopolitical boundaries. The far right and far left always in play hence our lives are always in a roller coaster or some kind of ping-pong. Our whole existence and even death  are indeed organized under policies that we dearly pay for literally mentally and economically. Politics has created systematic endemic loopholes that few wealthy have always used to evade justice and the rule of law.
What must Africa do to move forward? Well, African leaders are the tragedy. Civilization is a ticking time bomb & there’s a paradigm shift in everything and sooner or later mans life is about to change for the better if they firmly stand for it. From Brexit, BRICS to the Sahelian revolution the shift is happening. Power belongs to the people and they will take it back from wolves. Homo homini lupus, man is wolf to man.


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