A salsa dance in the
sky or a wedding on the moon is a valid dream as the mere thought of it. Well,
it’s a couple of months to the end of the year and as my ritual to the gods of
writing an end year post on their altar is the only sacrifice that suffices
their spirits. If you are an avid reader of my blog, you know that I like to go
deep a bit, and this is a reminder that I may take a substantial time of your
present and future if you allow me to. Its summer in one or two months on this
side of earth and it’s the season a greater percentage of us anticipate. We
love to work our asses off, save or loot from other men and wait to go splash
our hard-earned cash on white pristine beaches or the hot countryside reuniting
with our folks to feel the ecstasy of these long-preserved moments buried in
the fast-fading present. Bonding is precious however good times seem not to
last long and sooner than we anticipate we hit the road again to “mould our
We’ve really tried hard to unearth our history but still
only got a handful in our palms however due to our deterministic nature I’m
optimistic we shall continue to piece up the patches and have one
story about us. Do you however believe it’s dangerous believing in a single
story? We are always puzzled about our past and what tomorrow
holds for us that we sometimes get lost in the present which transpires to our
future and as we wake up from the daydream, we can’t visualize how the moment
expired. We catch ourselves peering into
the blue or the dark of the “empty” night. As a kid I had no idea about time or
the world I live in and most of the time I was engrossed in play and on moonlit
nights I would rush out pee, stare at the moon or dance in its magnificent
light for a second before fear dashed me inside again.
As humans one thing about us is hope. We get out look at the
stars and hope that tomorrow shines like these nightly objects and get down in
our labs to create technologies to take us there. We already have the theories
and we're busy hooked on them expanding our limits by the second. For the past few centuries, we
have made mouth gaping discoveries and the future seems closer than we think
of. Everyone likes to sit down and think of tomorrow and the endless
opportunities that come with it. We now can-do things religion made believe
were miracles: the blind can now see, the deaf can hear, Hawking could type
thanks to a chip under his skin, prosthetics have aided many restore movement
and perform outstanding fetes. Early man never knew of atoms but now atom diffusers/ dispersers are a common
thing. Scientists have discovered new scientific methods and exemplary knowledge
that have changed the world & added to the libraries of the planet.
Despite being unsure of our past, our tomorrow bugs
us more than we can think of. We hold
this insatiable urge to create new realities and unlock the hidden potentials
the universe holds. So how does the future look like? This thought is at
times scary considering the angle or phenomenon under examination. For example modern day
scientists are known to play God and it’s these extremes that “sends shivers”
down our spines. If not for the moral beacons in science, then definitely we
could have witnessed more apocalypses and miracles than thought of. Let’s then
take a minute and ponder of the future.
As much as we fancy science and technology are we really aware of where
we are going and what we are turning into? Science fiction movies
haven’t been so popular but it’s the world we live in and our bloody choices.
From the African stool I’m seated on things are bright but kind of blurry. We
have and continue to be faced by magnanimous challenges from pollution, climate
change, pests and diseases, racism, “different purpose” and ideology. The thought of existence of other much
intelligent life or civilizations before ours or out somewhere else seems to be
another threat since the visit of Omuamua. We always want to go back and
know what was before and what’s after maybe that’s the biggest reason that
would sensibly gather a few grey bald heads for a workshop over a cup of coffee
for a lengthy discussion on time travel and time machines. What’s our
place in this universe if we met this species from another galaxy that was way
too intelligent than us?
Economically, we have invested so much in
technology that in future man may have very little physical jobs job to do. Machines
through the power of Super AI will have the intelligence to produce other
machines autonomously and most of the physical work done by humans will be taken
over by machines as we are currently witnessing. This will therefore diversely
affect economies of countries and especially those who’ve always been consumers
of technology than producers. These futuristic humanoid bots will one day be a
necessity for every household, and I am optimistic that we are approaching the
ages of the singularity. Even though man may manipulate the code he has
proved to be so much needy of the accuracy that comes with this and the reduced
costs of labor.
Man will transform himself into a machine through the
various enhancements he is sticking under his skin especially the chips. We may
want to remember a lot and process these memories in millions of nanoseconds
faster than the blink of an eye. Quantum computing and technology is
altering our reality and its improvement over time means that we are on another
trajectory. Telepathy is one of the gifts we wish to install in ourselves, and
we are here trying hard to hack into operating systems with soft wares such as Pegasus.
However, if synthetic telepathy succeeds and we lose our autonomy how will it
feel to be human? Is too much knowledge our own endgame? Chips might be good
idea the only fear is being programmed and losing our consciousness and turn into cyborgs. Will we be
able to escape the shackles of future nanotechnology? I guess not. We are
moving into the age where we will be strangers to each other no more as we’ll
instantly know each other’s likes or other unimaginable details through this
super intellectual synchronicity of minds when they are closer. Your personal
home machines will know your moods and know which playlist to turn on and which
drink you prefer or even the exact type of coffee to make you. Your toilet
would be intelligent enough to determine what you are ailing from after a pee
or poop and you’ll need no physical identification at banks or ports rather
your retina and cortex will do it in real time. See this is the future and it’s
near than you think but two generations from now humanity will have changed to
a whole new level.
Vaccinations are being engineered to give us super
immunity and things like wear and tear & aging of body organs will soon be
a thing of the past as we’ll have nanobots in our systems to image organs,
detect or address the malfunctions & cure disease hence help in
strengthening the human system. We are
moving closer to printing 3D organs for transplant and by 2100 organ donation
may be a thing of the past. Extension of
life is also one of the key things futuristic sciences is working on and
possibly humans might live a few centuries longer. We also will be able to
engineer our bodies to varied climatic conditions hence will live in different
geographical areas comfortably. We may live in Jaque Fresco’s floating sea
cities or in Elons’ 3D printed colony on mars terraforming it day and night. Already gene editing technologies have proven
their potential therefore as we await the future let’s be sure of generations
free of genealogically inherited diseases and complications. Since we can
also cut, copy and paste precisely strands of DNA then the future is an amazing
reality. What this means for humanity is that we may achieve a totally new race
or species. Intelligence and certain desirable traits can be picked and
replicated to have a near super AI intelligence for the average person hence
this means that human and machine interaction are going to be seamless as information will be in the air where we’ll
harness it without effort by the power of our minds. Indeed, to properly
see the future is to drown in a trance and become a transhumanist for a moment.
It is fascinating to capture the concept of time and evolution in our palms and
witness the singularity where
technology growth will be out of hand and irreversible.
We are living in the age of autonomous self-flying cars;
supersonic jets and we are devising new means and forms of locomotion. Already
space tourism is on the market and our new projects are to build sustainable
and reusable rockets as we prepare to become an intergalactic species. As we
also bulge in numbers so are we also innovating new sources of energy to
satisfy our needs. Our inability to harness and effectively use the energy from
our parent star has therefore meant that we are yet to become a civilization
type 1. Jut to assure you we are moving somewhere on the Kardashev scale
and that’s remarkable if I must believe in the tale of evolution.
As we also establish
ourselves as an intergalactic species, we should be sure of getting ourselves
wired up for super intelligence and cognition and as we proceed in this dream,
we should be sure of losing touch with religion therefore future man might find
religion and government less of use and purpose hence we’ll lose the social
mold that has been carved or rather conditioned into us by these institutions.
Extropianism might be the new path for the human species and with The God equation by Michio Kaku here, we might catch a
glimpse into the future sooner than we may think. It may seem impossible, but a
time machine is a worthy technological innovation that we should spend a dime
on to make a reality.
How does tomorrow therefore look like or rather how do we
want it to look like? Humans have been progressing holistically, gradually or
at times spontaneously in different fields and from my point of view it is hard
to determine our growth lineally in a single time frame. Sometimes much happens
and as we wash our faces in the morning we wake up to new and totally different
realities than we slept off to the previous night. The human mind is the most
amazing aspect of our being physically in this universe and I am confident that
we shall see what we can’t imagine of in the present moment of our existence.
How will tomorrow end after we’ve become a type 1,2,4 or
type 8 civilization? The end of the universe is our
biggest puzzle and how it all started for now we have one mission, to keep going
and never stop. Life and the universe generally is a superfluous imagination
and to understand then we need to keep dreaming beyond our imaginations about
tomorrow and work tirelessly. This is the human experience.