Blue cheese
Hey blue cheese
You tickle my taste buds
And make me think of you
Every lunch, breakfast and dinner
Before I take every stroke of breath
And my squashy lips taste you,
You are lip licking good and mouth watering
If I had a way to cuff you, I would throw
you into this abyss
To get lost in it and feel the Bermudas triangle effect
you create on my thought
Like a moth to the fan I am blinded
My emotions like earth oven bread they are
Ripe like the raspberries and thick with
juice, a juice maker would say
Let my tongue feel the anticipation of the
salivary glands from the delicacies before my wolf hungry eyes
You are finesse like aged Italian Gorgonzola,
Roquefort papillon
The way you melt with sexiness under the
hot sun
Like a slice of cheese on a cheese burger
must have been prepared by a professional old chef
Endowed with age old hands on experience
Your room, a seven star kitchen
The hot fresh aroma on a cold chilly
shrimp, not lobster not fried crab
garlic, coriander, asparagus with melted
cheesy sauce
I breathe in with effort as I close my eyes
If obesity is a disease I am ready to wash
you down with some aged Chateau climens
Because my emotions are already in a
pill to the brain; blue cheese