Mama Afrika

You have no surrogate and pure you borne
Souls of gold  and spirits of fire, alien dreams too
Oh hast thou your dark unseen magic & your miraculous blackness
Mummified immortaly on your legendary soil
The lands of the underground undiscovered gods and goddesses
The sons and daughters 
Lwanda magere , Nelson Mandela , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
and all the vicious lions and  lionesses
the fat cabs and lonely strange owlets in your savannah and forests
             ...Oh Afrika ...
              ...oh Afrika...
Your melody resonates sweetly into the souls ear
just as the queer voices  from your frightening bushes
 your love squeezes the heart with the wild enthusiasm of your fearful  jungle
as sweet tears roll down to the stomach with the chilliness of western winter
am enraptured by the wisdom buried in your dark  soils and scribbled on your temples 
and the awakening inspiration on our ancestors cave walls
The black hole mystery you posses
You make me fall in love with cosmology
 Each second I can feel you ragingly recuperate
 tearing through our scientifically poisoned veins
and brainwashed craniums
Afrika you are a dark star , one of its kind
as the sparks shine inside from the winds outside
and eternally  burn with such divine spirituality 
oh what it is to be a black soul
in a peaceful wild wise jungle
Mama Afrika you are our motherland
we are the men without back slapping coats but on a sedulous mission
meandering to the vision holding  steady the keys  to heaven and all its unbound pleasures


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