Don’t believe in banks and politics. Banks are controlling politics and politics are controlling people and as a matter of fact by deceiving them. Let me set it clear, when you set your life or self to following a set of organized rules you are not free. You are being manipulated therefore you will never taste freedom (that you will discover later perhaps) . A sweet lie life was. Isn’t it? I know most of us don’t care about sweet lies as much and that’s why we shun the bitter truth. Short term eyesight, long term blindness. I know many have no idea how it feels to be a slave but even just a mere day in our colonial cells is unimaginable. What of slavery? Life slavery. Am just lucky to have an experience that’s why when I found myself in a police rover for phoning near a railway line my heart was excited of the new experiences ahead just as am always with caution and fear. I refused to compromise myself and mostly my values to bribe the police despite their verbal seductions.
There is no such thing as democracy. Hell no! hell no! not here on this planet. I know you probably think am insane but neither am I high on something you and I less know of. Sounds mischievous and weird, just like politics.. though I don’t know why politics might appeal to you more than this article yet politics stink than rotten fish.
 Right!.. back to where we were, the only way to see this pure truth is to question and meditate deeply. Just as a prescription for you, be informed lots of solitude and reflective thinking is required.  But these lies are crystal clear even in the dark, I bet we the ones who have just decided to blind hook ourselves to them. You must not be in comprehension of every section, article or clause of the constitution but simply in possession of logic to see all these lies we adore. The simple proof is this.. we complain of our wages? Yes..Of the tax rules regulations and rates? Yes .. we complain of our governments? Yes .. of bank laws, regulations and interest rates? Yes ..
we pay rates to the governments, land rates for example. But whom did the government we pay these rates to buy this land from? If the land is theirs then as the owners why don’t they pay us rates in return? When we own we pay the government rates but when it owns why doesn’t it pay us rates? When the land is barren its yours but when minerals are discovered on it becomes government property. Seriously? Is a government not just a malicious body that puts up manipulative rules to blindfold us? And we just believe like black headed sheep? The definition of a democratic government is just mere bullshit spiced to hoodwink us who dare not critique anything even our simple existence.
Now, do we complain if a shoe is pinching somewhere? Yes … we do leave using the shoe or choose to persevere the pain of the soreness and endure the results. CHOICES. We have the total power in our hands, our power is not in anybody else’s hands so do not be blindfolded and deceived. Despite the existence of democratic governments for hundreds of years why is the inequality line so thick? Why is the rift widening each second? Why is disparity thriving?
About banks. Where do banks take their profits? These profits are your blood, your sweat that you’ve worked for as they watch (the whole day, month or year). If you want to know this is true picture this... Would banks exist if we wouldn’t be working? No... they don’t work for their own money but they wait you to work for your money then entice you and rob you of it. Why do they cut relations when you lose your job (not immediately though) and auction your property when you default a loan? The banks are your enemy. Where’s the friendship? Those who don’t keep money in the bank are the wisest. These banks are owned by people not robots so how does it feel to work and entrust your blood and sweat in somebody else’s hands?  You work double.” How?” You work to get a salary but also work harder to make profits for somebody who does not know you as he is probably busy sleeping or vacaying in expensive island hotels.
Being uninformed makes life one such illusion that pains my heart.
If you tell one to open the third eye they will doubt you and dub you ‘of the dark religion’ but little do they know its possession of the light rather than the darkness as they perceive. Everything comes to light one day. Am haunted but pleased to know that I would have died only to wake up and discover I had lived life a lie, somebody else’s life, who manipulated me with a set of laws and I foolishly lived to them. It deeply pains me to know this was a fellow human being who’s not by any means or standards above me whatsoever. Why would I have lived a   dream in both worlds? Two dreams? But why? Why couldn’t I have opened my eyes to see light and lived one a dream and the other a reality? A dream on earth and reality in the soul. They call me a dreamer. Yes I am. How am I supposed to lie about this even? I am because my mind is not even here on earth, not even anywhere close to.
I just hear a voice in me speak when my mouth is tightly shut. I can’t control it, it’s bigger than me. A voice I try to suppress but to my failure each time. I rightly guess it’s because of its strength and light. A voice that makes me positively powerful and negatively powerless at the same time. A voice I come running when it’s calling because that voice is me. Do not be intrigued how I run to myself when engulfed with fear, strange thought or when engulfed by doubt. A voice that’s always liberal, a voice that’s not judge-mental but critical .
Stop ignoring that voice within you. stop locking yourself from unlocking yourself only for you to become judge-mental than critical. Do not be a runaway running from yourself. Wake up from lies.



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