Roaming soul infinity wanderer

My world is beautiful a charming  aurora of ideas

A galaxy of experience and stars that linger in awe even under the hot sun

Full of light, all lit up to the corners with perplexion

Glowy, pretty like a shooting star , I am one

I travel in darkness to dungeons of angry-hungry fire spitting dragons

And meditate on the nest of vipers over the crux under my cranium

Sometimes in the darkest bat caves ceilings I hang

Fear is a stranger, an enemy to the magnificent soul, a poison my system fears

Wilderness is home to the heart and through thicket I meander with jolly

On plain I trot slathered with curiosity enough to kill a pack

Worries safe cemented six feet under, a cross on the head, ‘forgive me father’ I mumble

Dreaded thorny paths and dingy alleys, the bleeding sore heels,

 I feel the sweet burning urge to walk on

Direction is a stranger my heart less trusts, a lie it believes in not

Time, not in my world, a perception to rob me of my young tender optimistic heart

I delight in fixing rummage without holding the thought still

To rumple, the cosmos my heart finds delight in co­-creation

I don’t have a life, I create life maybe that’s what I search for.



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