I live for the night because I get born in it

Mesmerised by the evening light

These street lights and the disappearing horizon turn me on

I wanna dance in the dark
When no one is seeing me

My desire is to live in the stars

Because I am

My light, my happiness, deep within

My dark inside lit up and the darkness scared away

Let me glow and stop feeling human for a moment

Maybe I will know how it feels like and it is to be human

Lighting up your own path and walking in darkness

Without fear

Wisdom, knowledge and truth hidden in our darkest corners is what we yearn

Not money to earn

Let your soul shine and illuminate them

That you may know yourself

And walk on these less trodden, thorny, dreaded and forgotten paths.

Where evil and ignorance lie and lurk in the dark waiting to prey on us

Because you have the light and need not to fear for you are the light of the world

Shine because you are the light


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