In my mid-twenties
I sometimes feel like I have been too long around on this soggy ball floating
in space. One thing that kind of scares (for lack of a better softer word) me
is parenthood. Looking around I see lots of peers with little ones and others
bellies heavy with life due in a couple of months. Sometimes I feel heartbroken
seeing that all time crush flaunting a valuable rock on her middle finger on
social media, maybe I was too afraid to pour out my heart for chances
are her wall was ‘too high’ for me to climb, maybe her fiery resentful eyes
burnt out the lingering emotion yet to be painted to her, all these my
ignorance can tell the genuine reason behind it for a go getter nothing can
deter them or burn out their minute embers.
Looking around
can be so illussioning and sometimes it’s pretty good to stay fixated. Having
babies is not bad as I am almost to paint it but do we ever take time to ever
figure out this monster by the name parenthood? It may sound easy considering the
fact that you are financially stable as most of us think, but hell not. It’s
not fear of responsibilities as most tend to reason out but a monster to be
thought about twice. Love is such a beautiful thing I know but who the
hell made a commandment it must come with babies? For that fact I’m pretty sure
that the best parents are scared about parenthood.
What happens
when you dive into a pool head first and you don’t know how to swim? I am yet
to try but don’t try that too. So many a
times young people have had that Nike mentality that “just do it” and assume
rather convince themselves that the rest will follow, trusting in God to drop
manner from heaven for us to feed on. A good number of us are fulfilling the
purpose our creator put us here on earth for and children are a blessing and
damn... we are really ‘blessed’. Its however not having babies that pisses me
off rather the way we raise the little ones.
I know we
are good at sequencing and series but not all of us were attentive during those
Mathematics lessons and even if we were I guarantee you not all of those
sermons sank appropriately deep within. Even though we are good at playing with
numbers, quality should never be compromised over quantity. Feeding,
dressing and schooling them is not alpha and omega but raising them right is.
Am about to lecture you like a saint even though am no closer to one but trust
me even those who lecture to humanity about humanity mostly aren’t human but
what proceeds if you got that conviction?
People will
tell you about parenthood; grandmothers, aunts, uncles, friends probably all
Dick and Harry your way and mockery will turn to the new greetings when
you show no sign or plans of bringing the clans lineage to tangibility.
When are you marrying? You mean you are yet to spot somebody? When am I seeing
my grandchildren? Can we send your aunties to search you a good responsible
mate? Are you ‘normal’? ooh damn never get tired of these questions buddy as
long as you are confident you are not yet ready. Don’t fall a victim of
circumstances created by societal pressure as if they hold your time bomb which
is about to erupt and hurt them. I Know it’s good to take a leap of faith
into the dark sometimes but when crafting a young soul into existence that is
not really advisable. All that experience and wisdom given to you remember that
might not apply for we are dealing with a distinct mind to ever come into being
and that is where the horror of the story lies.
individual born has a distinct mind and that’s the biggest puzzle of parenthood. As a parent you should be wise
enough to craft this soul into what it’s meant to be and not what you wish it
to be. No one ever desires to live the life of others unless they are
mentally ill and this is a disease brought by wrong parenting...comparison,
the ailment that kills us. How do you compare your life to others and
wish you were them as if they are by any means above you like a god? Teach your
children about success and help them figure out who they are on their way to
the top unlike most parents who dictate to their children what to pursue and
rule their households with iron fists. But what happens when we realize the little
pleasure we were having for the moment turns out into this lifetime burden of
Parenthood is all about time more
than resources. Spending time with your children is more valuable than that junk food
and all those bars of chocolate and sacks of candy you bring back home. Buying
countless toys still isn’t parenthood but proper toilet training is. It is absolutely annoying when
adults leave the toilet dirty and do you know how I feel when the same adults
leave dirty utensils from whatever spot they ate from? Why should you spill
crumbs and leftovers allover in a public restaurant even if there’s someone employed to clean it? Like what the
hell do you even know table manners let alone how to spell it? Where were you
raised and who raised you? And all that blame and curses boomerang to
is a great skill in the animal kingdom and we humans being of the highest order
with a developed system we are highly responsible for what we utter. I can
gladly say that we are all intelligent until we open our mouths, yes we
are until we open our mouths. About this I won’t say much but damn we should
and I insist we should watch our lips. The world is how it is because of our
tongues and if we desire any change it would first come from the same tongues.
I sincerely hate parents who shout, scorn and scold at innocent babies. It is
psychologically wrong to do this to a creature born tabula rasa to the extent
of severe recurrent physical correction.. This is adding salt to the wound and
if you wanna prove this then watch the adulthood of your mistakes in the name
of correction. Mostly these turnout to be the resentful, stubborn and violent
creatures from harlem. Who wants such a kid anyway? A child knows nothing stop yelling and let help them learn right. You have a more challenging responsibility to teach them organisational skills and not yell from whatever corner you are and that's parenthood.
before I lay this heavy head on the pillow I would like to remind you parent or
wannabe parent that the world is composed of societies. Remember 99% of the
problems on earth have been created by adults which in turn boils down to wrong
parenting therefore don’t blame
society. Therefore before you rock yourself to that pleasure, better
equip yourself with the relevant appropriate social skills to pass on to that
toddler you are about to create amidst those endless moans and groans.