It’s 2021 and I am going through a thought in time but I don’t know how long it has been or how old it is the moment I’m reviewing this. Were it wine it would have grown richer in taste, darker in tone and would now be able to raise the taste buds by sheer anticipation at the mention of the name. If it were Italian gorgonzola or swiss cheese the bucks would’ve gone up steadily.

Sometime back a couple of months or years ago if I am not wrong didn’t know then that I know now. A thought flashed through my mind and I thought it could be brilliant idea that could make a TED talk (I rarely listen or watch them because of reasons best known to me). It was about time. The thought slipped into the blues but till today about now it still lingers in my subconscious mind as it has come to prove. I hold curious views about the subject matter for very complex reason that I cannot be able to substantiate physically. I don’t know how I may validate that in the universe exists no such thing as time. But what is this thing we call time?

Time is basically a creation of the human mind to calculate and relate events or happenings of nature and other phenomena in what we perceive as reality. It is what we use to compute in our daily lives since we have established our minds as some “little super computers.” Have you ever imagined that there are other dimensions and states of reality that might be time independent? Then how are these states or dimensions?


Time however is an intimate infinite factor just as our universe which we can’t comprehend its realms. Humans have therefore invented clocks / “created” time in order to boost their perception of the universe and events in space. Between two events I definitely think there is no time let’s say that things happen simultaneously just as the past and the future which are buried or hidden in the present moment. We like to anticipate of the future but the fact is that the future cannot be felt any other time but now. Remember today and the current moment is your future and past. Assuming that you never moved from the same spot we can prove that the future is always with us and not an alien condiment. It isn’t something that comes unto us as we wait for it rather it’s here with us. However due to our anxiety of the unknown as humans we feel that insatiable urge to insure our insecurities and the only better thing to help us do this is some definite lineal projection among two points that is today and tomorrow or here and there. If I am alive now then I must be able to calculate the value of yesterday in relation to today and how much this result will affect my projection on the unknown that’s coming hidden somewhere in a dark corner. That’s what we think the future is. The uncertainty of life has led us to “bank on the lineal” progression of existence.

We’ve always been relating events; beginnings, their happenings & progress through to the ends and the prime purpose is to kind of establish their zero points and to try forecast and guess on the future of their probabilities. What I personally think we fail to understand is that things are always in some form of endless constant or inconsistent transitions that we may not be able to map out as a single lineal harmonious occurrence(time is simultaneous). To try prove time is a ‘’hoax’’ let’s use one or two examples.  The first one would be a religious example since we all think that we have come from a certain point in time geologically or religious-wise (through some holy voodoo) that we’re always in constant pursuit to prove to ourselves. Perceiving existence and reality through time frames leaves us with time lapses that are complex for in space incomprehensible massive masses exist that can cause time warps. Other factors that could cause this are black holes and wormholes. We all know that time slows as we move closer to blackholes and wormholes are the loop between two points in time however we cant travel back into time before the conversion of the wormhole into a time machine. This therefore means whatever we have are but estimations and approximations that we have been able to compute with a singular accepted standard that’s why in every measurement of whatever kind we take exists an error or some endless numbers and that’s why our computers have them too (standardization- because we can’t read, compute or convert  some input or calculate some correct output accurately without flaw. Time ceases to exist with the death of numbers while we know well that numbers never cease to exist. However when it comes to error I understand that our intelligence currently has helped us invent powerful clocks with a marginal error of one second in nine million years, so powerful right? Our clocks never go backwards however if we travelled faster than light we could see reverse time direction but we can never travel faster than the speed of light unfortunately. Time travel is one of the muses eating up humanity; going back in the past or travelling to the future.

 From a creationists perspective we may ask ourselves what’s the time frame between pre creation and creation? Null...Right? It is worth to note that we only understand time from when God started creation till when he finished and hence went forward to fragment seasons by creating day and night and physical aides such as the sun and moon, darkness versus light perhaps to help us understand events or phenomena. From this example we can’t be able to ascertain how long God has been there before creation or how long our reality will exist after all this for all playwrights seem to have unique queer endings mostly throwing us off imagination and expectations. The need to relate experiences therefore leads to the invention of time, however, what I like to refute is the birth of time. Its fragmentation seems a major factor on our understanding of seasons and the events & happenings embedded.  Time is infinite and it’s this infinity that we are unable to stretch our perceptional elasticity over or after. Let’s resort to a mechanical example for instance when hitting a nail it only enters into the desired material when the actual force rests on the nail head therefore no time gap. However it is important to note that there exist a time gap between the moment of raising the hammer and the hammer head resting the actual force on the nail. The force exerted therefore has to overcome distance for effect.

Time and reality

Our perception of the time phenomenon meddles with our reality for it means that all we do or undertake with it is but controlled experiments of which gives us results that have a controlled variable which we’ve created ourselves hence will always stretch on a certain lineal progression. Matter or phenomenon that stretches over these boundaries is easily understood as paranormal. A good example would be near death experiences where life and death are hanging on the same string and time is frozen. Instantly recovering from a comma without lot of medical attention may be considered a "miracle" and other examples are the works of magicians whose sense of happening / occurrence beats the known or expected time frames in our minds. Our ability to reach stars or other celestial bodies is largely dependent on relativistic calculations such as distance and time. In modern day how fast our engines burn up fuel and accelerate all are factors aided by time computation.

Time dilation is also one factor that is essential in such a discussion.

Two relative events happening simultaneously is said to be a coincidence (let’s say you calling me when I’m calling you) while two random activities happening coincidentally is normal (you bathing while I’m in the kitchen eating). A more appropriate example is astronauts on the ISS age slower than people on earth. This shows how we have tried to make time as something controllable or finite following some constant lineal progression that we project over so as to create or extract some meaning from to suffice our belief or understanding. Time therefore plays a very crucial part in our affairs since it affects how we communicate and tells us how fast we move and this proves crucial to our perception of reality.

Trying to find original time is like trying to establish the value of zero which in this case is valueless on its own but proves infinite value when related with other numbers. Measurement of time can only be fruitful in relation to ends and beginnings of events yet it is independent of this ends and beginnings that we are struggling to understand. Please understand sina time ya kupuliza gunia.

Even if I were good at numbers I would probably need the IQ’S of all the great men from scientists, mathematicians, philosophers to polymaths to play around with numbers and try to establish the original time or the core point from which we can refer existence to but all is a mystery. Now we’re freezing bodies cryogenically to try awakening and immortalizing them in future with technology. But what is the future and how does it look like? What are the differences between it and the past with quantification with (without) time? Maybe our biggest wonder is how to create and invent technologies that beat and help us defy this thing we call time. I don’t know if time is one of humanities biggest challenge: something to beat, a mountain to climb or a race to run. Start and stop, we are caught up between two points. We want our flights faster so we always running around hurrying up maybe because we want to save and spend more time doing what we like or with those we love or just what we generally think is important but time is never enough. Sometimes it never gives us the chances we desire or reach to the things we admire. No, I don’t believe in that maybe there’s just another dimension to the realm of life that we may not be able to grasp. However we are human and can unravel anything and only have to rely on our intelligence and time for the right prospective as it is progressive. Have you ever wondered why we never live life in retrogress? Maybe we should start old before we finish the cycle young as pure emotion between two lovers at a point in time whose origins are from no particular point (in time) but with the help of a watch the exact time could be captured as a bonus to the location. Time machines may give us a better insight of reality through the eyes of time however the only problem we may have is that we may not go back into the time before the invention of these machines. Traditional myths speak of reincarnation since time has proved to be incomprehensible.

You may not see any numbers in this essay because numbers are a creation of the human mind but even sacred geometry doesn’t have a start and an end but an incomprehensible balance of the two. It’s not only humans that have a sense of time but animals too. Birds know when to fly north south or to the tropics to nest, animals know when to cross the Mara for greener pastures so how do we describe time? Is it some innate incomprehensible seventh sense? How do we therefore describe this rhythmic flow of events or this cataclysmic holy dance of matter in nature and space without relation to this variable? For the purpose of what we view as accuracy in relation to establishing the original point then we have to include the dimension of time that’s going to help us precisely record history and predict the future. The amazing thing about time is that we try to predict the future while guessing about the past in the present moment. We are always here and never leaving here where are you living off to? Now (then) qualifies as the original point of reference to this variance that stretches infinitely to both extremes. Is the calendar an obsolete thing and time something bigger than our understanding? Could we ever reach that original point in time? From which perspective of time are we really experiencing this phenomenon termed life: Economist, historian, theologian or scientist? Whatever the angle of relation, two or more events override their happenings and our answers to this “may determine their causes and courses”. The gaps in between also provides supportive evidence for other truths that might be established about these independent happenings.

I don’t know how we can live without time. Will we be able to catch the train or would the signals from the autonomous space flight ever reach our giant satellites again? Would it ever be possible to see humanity’s dream? Time is a code which we are programmed by like little bots moving from here to there to do this and accomplish that. The dream has always been to do better and bigger and the value of effort is always related to how long it has taken a task to be accomplished. We have as humans personalized our programs to certain scopes and every human now walks with a wrist watch trying to calculate up some things in the head. We are afraid on missing out this thing called time or being behind it for it comes with perfect life-changing opportunities; however, being before it is the real deal. Controlling the future is the power we want to have in our hands to manipulate it to our favor. Even though that time piece is not absolutely correct in consideration with the universes original time it proves a great deal on how we organize our affairs and how we relate existence and progress in general. We have to therefore accept the fact that we may never see or know the past and the future fully but can only throw in our wild guesses which we hope time will help us unravel the mysteries of other many dimensions of the matrix we live in. The alternate question is if we removed time from our reality and perception how would it affect our dreams, visions and perception generally? I don’t know how many quintillion or Yottayears it’s going to take humanity to reach the Andromeda, Proxima Centauri or find out the original time or merely lost technologies and civilizations. Science is illuminating and our hopes to explore deep space now depend on a miniaturized atomic clock to revolutionize this field. To track a spacecraft as it travels through space is fundamentally a problem of measuring time. It’s how long a signal takes to reach there and come back as scientist Jill Seubert asserts.

 We are humans and our core purpose is to dream and to dream is to move through time independently off its limits. Time is a paradigm that helps us shift our reality and consciousness to other levels. If we change our thoughts about it definitely we alter our realities. In this case we therefore are caught up in a loop and billions of others like I may wonder is time the puzzle to other dimensions? Will we know what time is by counting on itself? Are we not going back to where it started?



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