The road to the end with no bend or end
In the days
of yore before the time of Christopher Columbus it was said that if you sailed
too far west you would fall off the edge of the world. However, this was just a belief as time has come to prove
but today I don't intend to prove anything but offer my blind eyes to you for see. From dusk to dawn,
when men open up their heavy eyelids or before they shut them up something
invisible has gnawed on them for eons and aeon. Walking, running, crawling,
sitting, flying, standing or presumably lying down, an un-imaginable shadow has
always fallen over us.
Humanity has
been plagued with an intricate surprising intoxication that to me has sensibly
driven them further away from themselves. In men’s hearts and souls lie empty
bottomless pits and unthinkable voids that their noble minds seem to have
failed to fill. It is a quest that he is on till the end of his road. It
however is such a long road that comes short at the end of their life. Such a
sad story... so sad if it has to be narrated you wouldn’t shed a tear
but be softly strangled inside when you think of it too.
It is this conviction that makes the living men
unable to be at peace with their mere existence
in existence but
believe that in existence exists a being that upholds righteousness and
is watching over them awaiting to assert their ways in one final way on a final day. What an everlasting agony?
some beings, it has been a longing for a special clinging & belonging to an
external higher power to quench their "thirst of alienation" at some
point in their lives. This as Freud presumes, is a higher fatherly figure
on this burst soggy floating ball. This fatherly figure also poses to be the
only confidant man can trust in eternally for all that bugs his existence. It
therefore paints to us the extent he has lost confidence in his species
confidence. This mistrust tends to drive us apart to the wild and makes us lose
humanity and grow into the animals we are.
Man also is on quest for truth. The
truth however has "taken cover from man" and this has really given
him a crux to crack for it is "blind to his naked eye" and "men
simply don't know" where to find it, is it within him or outside him?
Writing this piece has been hard and after
every full stop gets harder because of the super natural belief that has been
melted into our thought system for thousands of years of the same human existence for Humanity seems to be on an endless
lifelong quest for something invisible that even
I as a writer desires to "see" but I can't however merely conclude to
my naivety it exists for me to dedicate my whole life and existence on. However
for rationalists and atheists God or religion is not in their dictions.
The world is a mosey muse as I like to put it.
The catalyst of this muse seems to be
intertwined in the affairs that affect every living creature. The origin and
the end of all things and the universe tops the list of all muses. For religion, it seems that the destiny of everything seems to have been predetermined
and all matter and matters arranged by a force above human
comprehension. It is beyond this human comprehension that lies this
supernatural power that humans place the shortness of their knowledge in.
This is because up to this point human beings are "weak, hopeless, life-less" and their wild wandering &
wondering thought seems to hit a dead end. However it is amazing
how the death of their thoughts gives birth to a new creation that they hope
justifies the death of their thought system.
It is from
that point according to my observation of religion that God is born. Who is God
or what is God then? The few paragraphs of philosophy I have come across
still haven’t satisfied my mind and moreso I wouldn't like
to be told what to believe in by a fellow man for I desire not to soak from
their biasness. From a religious perspective, the array of answers received and the
in-depth of the insights provided by religious books however lead you to some
dead end. For instance every religious lad points you to the creator of the universe and every form of
life that you can imagine of. Now let’s assume creation is out of our topic
and take another prospective angle, who is god then?
God is the
provider, he is the protector, he is the only one who loves all with equal
measure, he is the one who watches us from heaven, He is a merciful being who
is going to absolve us of all our atrocities in the end... The attributes about
him are endless. However I sit to ponder if these attributes are set aside then
do we answer the original question who is God? God therefore seems to transcend
all thought and at this point in religion and therefore we all left in a void with only one
way out, BELIEVING. It however is not only believing that only makes us aware of
God but from other religious viewpoints we get to know of God
through experience. Many religious people assert that they have been
touched by his hand and felt his might. It however has puzzled me as to why
only few claim of this, others claim to have seen him but why have their human
states remained the same? And if they have been spiritually transformed, why
not their physical states? I need more enlightenment to clear my eyes and mind to
accept this to be just beyond a mere belief of he who asserts this.
The questioning
of the existence of God should not be at any point believed to be a mockery of
God as religious sycophants rage from
lava as always. It is
however just but a more rational inquiry for the enlightenment to humanity on
the supernatural that exists in heaven (if not in us). It’s but a
burning-consuming desire to understand the “un-understandable” for what’s the
breaking point of understanding? Surely to my mere observation there isn’t a
tricky field to understand on earth than religion maybe science can prove this.
To give the supernatural a dwelling outside our being also throws this puzzle
into a more complicated conundrum. It is
therefore more confusing how religion has been able to deduct the
characteristics and attributes of God and second guess about him while there is
no direct reference to his existence. His existence is pointed to heaven (another
mystery for none knows where heaven is). It is said he is omnipresent and so is
every space heaven? Religion still says he is in heaven sitting on His throne
waiting for the final trumpet. Upto this point are you lost like me from the
confusion of omnipresence and heaven?
separation of god from all life forms whether living or non-living makes this a hot tantrum that no cooling
system can ever be designed to condense it. Taoism
says everything originated from the Tao
and in Christianity every from the Word
therefore affirming that everything from this facts has God in it. Tales of
smaller religions and tribes also have some way to express this form of
infiniteness lingering in their empty conscience of which in every sense seems
to affirm that this infiniteness is in some form of un-endless transition(s).
The saviour as our ultimate answer. At the
end or the beginning of the day God has been painted and relied on as the
answer of every question and that humanity should always run to for justice and
provision of whatever and whenever we feel short of. However it puzzles why over all this generations humans
are still asking the same questions and yet still getting the no answer. FAITH
seems to be the answer for it is clear we'll have to wait "a little
longer" for the day which all our questions will be answered. How busy
will this day be? I tend to wonder.
God as a psychopath. It however is confusing that religion
seems to paint god as a “creature that seems to be somehow or somewhat like a
psychopath” that needs our praise and materialism in exchange for our wellbeing
and material blessings too. If this is not guaranteed to him then he ends up
destroying what he created. It's logically puzzling why
humanity has to be brought to account for their deeds by an extrinsic force
rather than an intrinsic one.
The problem
with religion and religious people is their bile to the wicked. They curse and
wish them fire and cruel punishment. Why shouldn’t you pray and wish them the
best? They are humans too. What will it benefit you as they burn in fire and
endure suffering forever? If we are to forgive countless times according to our
scriptures, why not our maker? Why do we make God this invisible villain ready
to hack the non-believers and those who stray away instead of him leading all
back to the flock? After all we are human, bound to slip in our highest and
least moments of mental alertness.
Of repentance and purification.We have no extra powers to turn to the
religious angels we are supposed to be, this is because there is always a power
beyond our thought system that should instead turn us around). Why wasn’t I
created an angel? This makes me wonder if Lucifer chose to be created the
fallen angel he is or he found himself part of a creation of a supernatural
power beyond him. Do you ever ask
yourself? But why on this murky world was I to be given White linen? Some religions have put a flawless man above the human
being for him to be emulated for he is the son of god. However this evokes
seemless questions. Are we his children too like his special son or just his
other creations? If we are his sons and daughters then why are we not special
like him with all the miraculous powers vested in him?
Look at most religions and you will
realize how sexist they are. God is assumed male, their special son and even
observe how women have been discriminated in the places of worship and the
whole process of ministry. Dear women it's not our choice their isn't equality
in the world. Am yet to encounter a religion where the woman was created first.
For your information in many religions masculine gods outnumber feminine gods.
Hinduism seems to be the major religion where this is opposite.
Justice from a religious perspective.
If revenge is not good
why then should God repay the wicked and those who strayed from Him with
eternal fire? How will it feel if you burnt as others smiled at you? You
unconsciously found yourself wobbling in this confused murky world after that
life authenticating slap facing upside down.
Religious sarcasm. People hate when you don’t dance to
or adore their art of conformity but forget we don’t have the same mind, and by
any chance if we did then all subject matter would always remain un-questionable.
People have ignored spirituality, looking deep down the souls and chosen to
look at others physique and outwards. We have chosen to be brainwashed by
following and believing in other beings donning robs of strategic colors
claiming to have been anointed by this spirit. The funny part is that this
happens when they are out of human sight and now they have been bestowed with
righteousness all of a sudden from nowhere. These are the same people who will
point you the road to heaven where they lest know or ever been to. The gospel
of prosperity, blessings, wealth like we are going with riches anywhere… hell
no, our souls... When our enemies prosper, we curse and wish their downfall,
what’s the harm in praying for them to change and prosper.
Human egocentricity. Why do we pay or bribe for blessings?
God owns the universe and everything in it including you. He knows your deeds
and destiny already long before you become intelligent enough to try repent,
sacrifice or do charity to appease him. What would you do to make him change
his mind about you now that he didn’t know when creating you? I wonder, which blessings do you pray for
when you have a brain? How many religious people
share this blessings to their last drop or crumb? No primate or creature on earth yet has proved to
have intellect like yours. Stop bothering God, just do what is good and what is
right, it all boomerangs to you. The problem is that human beings have
conformed and soaked in to the heavens reward fallacy. Do good, whether you
will be repaid or not, do good. What does it cost you if not ego? Whether you
get it or not, life is ice that melts with time, you are not entitled to every
good thing, what’s special about you that isn't with other beings like those
that you think deserve hell or less? Do you think that egocentricity gnaws on religious
people? Why do we sometimes materialize spirituality? Life is a time bomb and
no material is guaranteed to heaven if not our spirituality. What are we struggling
for here on earth? Our riches are already where
they can't be destroyed by moth. You cannot and will never lie about the truth so if God
created us to worship him the amassing of wealth is an A.O.B just like hating
on our enemies or wishing them hell. Upto
this point religion has been therefore used by men to fulfill some
psychological function though the same mortals have been indoctrinated to the
highest sense to realize.
Divine writings. Scriptures are deemed holy
and without err or slightest of flaw yet parts of some are embedded with evil
thought and some even allow others to kill. It is sarcastic how they are used
as a weighing scale for morality yet when the religious fail to uphold the
standards their blame is shifted to the devil. The fight between good and evil
seems to be an endless one since creation and it seems will continue till the
"end of the world". However it is really disturbing why the slip of
humanity from glory has to punish the earth or the universe at the expense of
other life forms some point in time to come. It is the shifting of blame by
humanity to the devil that however makes the earth a burst stinking sewer since
every wrong action or thought can not be accounted for by the doers rather
shifted elsewhere. It is logic that if the devil causes us to stray then the
devil should be punished instead of us since it seems he has some kind of power
that controls us subliminally. At this point you will realise that evil will
never end rather human action has found a scapegoat to continually rape. The
scriptures if well studied are but full of mythologies and every society holds
onto a bunch to justify their origin, death and all that seems to be beyond
reach or bugging them. It is appaling how most scriptures use apocalypses to win
followers by instilling such un-imaginable fear in the "infidels" for
them to conform to heavens fallacies. Human souls are full of desires in the
air "which are beyond their reach" (immortality, wealth, happiness
and justice etc). Who's going to pluck these fruits for them when their ladders
are shorter from these branches that "flower outside the universe?"
If we knew the origin of the universe and our desires guaranteed how many men
would look for God? What pain would they desire cured if 'twas obsolete?
Because man is full of earthly
desires he is afraid of death and he wishes for immortality. Death is the
justice we ask god for, it is going to make us equal but we are afraid of it,
so sarcastic right. Death is surely God's needle like it or not. In our minds
also lingers these ghosts in the dark which are beyond human control therefore
require divine intervention (poverty, disease and bad luck). .
On daily bread and blessings. It is
foolish that we praise him then beg for favours when nature is free. The logic
is that if we were born to worship then we should worship without expectations
and as he is the provider then everything should be provided without asking or
moving around looking for including the justice we ask him for. Why should we
use prayer as a bait? And in that response can God be baited or does He do
things at his own will?
Man as a magic lover. Man loves
magic, seeing things from blues and that's why we pay to watch the magician in
a circus and also pay to see things fall from imagination to reality from an
invisible figure and place. However he is so "witty" to assertain
good magic from bad magic yet all magic has books to cement its fountains. It
is funny though how religion refutes science, philosophy and other art forms
yet they come from his brain that was created by the creator.
Blindfold trotters & wind
chasers. I personally think that religion has blinded us using God as a
scapegoat from reality which is full of suffering and inequality. Man expects
God to create this Utopia where we all will find unbound happiness and
immortality. However this proves that man has lost touch with nature, humanity
and reality of which that over the years has plunged him into misery. How do we
want God to help us then? Create the utopia as we are busy running our asses
around trying to amass all the beautiful things that belong to nature in our
private bunkers?
Ninian Smart in The Long search says indeed if we are to search properly we must
be able to put aside our own presuppositions and our own judgements about truth
and value. We must try to enter into the lives of others, and see the world
from their own point of view. Like every historian I can't neglect the
standpoint of the actor and I'm therefore not standing in any mans way in their
Long Search. However each man's viewpoint shouldn't be organized in a social
manner way beyond the point that inteferes with others reality or existence in
some manner. The exploration of men's faiths has some truth however I
don't intend to refute the same man's experience from his faith or make him
refute it. This piece remains to be my viewpoint out of everyone's else. Let
every man stand with their sword individually.
At this point it will be wise for man
to utilize his space time in doing good to fellow man, nature and to discover
and improve the universe if he desires any good his way whether material or
spiritual for this will give his soul the harmony he desires. And surely if he
does this then he will find God that he is searching for in my view. I tend to
believe every has a view of his own of the world but for every that doesn't
they may continue with the world's view or rather decide to seek.