OPINION In a world of free things nothing is free have you ever thought to yourself? And now since everything has a price tag how worthy is your opinion in the modern world then? Man is an animal, a social creature de facto, but what is it that makes him see his own independent value noble from the rest of his race? Could we assume that stratification is some normal order of the universe we live in? It’s not only among man that exists ranks but in the whole of the animal kingdom from bees, mites to even lions with each set of class or rank performing a specific role or task in most cases. In business terms we may term it as specialization. As far as history can take us through books we get to learn of the partisan nature of man and his organization ethnographically. At no point have we ever seen man rely on his self solely. He hunted in groups and lived in caves as family. It is this group politics (affair) that has led to development of society and advancement of soci...