FUTURISM. THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. A salsa dance in the sky or a wedding on the moon is a valid dream as the mere thought of it. Well, it’s a couple of months to the end of the year and as my ritual to the gods of writing an end year post on their altar is the only sacrifice that suffices their spirits. If you are an avid reader of my blog, you know that I like to go deep a bit, and this is a reminder that I may take a substantial time of your present and future if you allow me to. Its summer in one or two months on this side of earth and it’s the season a greater percentage of us anticipate. We love to work our asses off, save or loot from other men and wait to go splash our hard-earned cash on white pristine beaches or the hot countryside reuniting with our folks to feel the ecstasy of these long-preserved moments buried in the fast-fading present. Bonding is precious however good times seem not to last long and sooner than we anticipate we hit the road again to “mould ou...
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OPINION In a world of free things nothing is free have you ever thought to yourself? And now since everything has a price tag how worthy is your opinion in the modern world then? Man is an animal, a social creature de facto, but what is it that makes him see his own independent value noble from the rest of his race? Could we assume that stratification is some normal order of the universe we live in? It’s not only among man that exists ranks but in the whole of the animal kingdom from bees, mites to even lions with each set of class or rank performing a specific role or task in most cases. In business terms we may term it as specialization. As far as history can take us through books we get to learn of the partisan nature of man and his organization ethnographically. At no point have we ever seen man rely on his self solely. He hunted in groups and lived in caves as family. It is this group politics (affair) that has led to development of society and advancement of soci...
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A WALK INTO TIME, A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME. It’s 2021 and I am going through a thought in time but I don’t know how long it has been or how old it is the moment I’m reviewing this. Were it wine it would have grown richer in taste, darker in tone and would now be able to raise the taste buds by sheer anticipation at the mention of the name. If it were Italian gorgonzola or swiss cheese the bucks would’ve gone up steadily. Sometime back a couple of months or years ago if I am not wrong didn’t know then that I know now. A thought flashed through my mind and I thought it could be brilliant idea that could make a TED talk (I rarely listen or watch them because of reasons best known to me). It was about time. The thought slipped into the blues but till today about now it still lingers in my subconscious mind as it has come to prove. I hold curious views about the subject matter for very complex reason that I cannot be able to substantiate physically. I don’t know how I may v...